
Showing posts from August, 2018

All you Need to know About Forced Feminization

No matter how liberal an age we live in, it’s always going to be embarrassing to tell people that you fantasize about Forced Feminization also known as Forced Femme . If managing that isn't sufficient, many cross dreamers likewise feel disgrace that these dreams are not just about feminization, but rather Forced Femme . In such dreams the subject is compelled to dress as a lady and perform sex acts, and is verbally mortified at the same time.  Upon reaching climax, many cross dreamers feel that such fantasies from Forced Feminization are disgusting. But post orgasmic guilt isn’t the only negative feeling. For a transgender woman, these fantasies from Forced Femme seem to challenge her authenticity as a woman, converting her into a fetishist. Such fantasies additionally jolt with liberal methods of insight, for example, woman's rights and LGBT rights (the docile appreciates being called 'a whore/sissy') – bringing on additional distress.  T...